Date: Monday, 9th January 2023
Dear Newcomers and Temporary Sponsors,
We are starting a twelve day workshop for newcomers that uses the brochure, Where Do I Start? It will cover all the things you need to know about Overeaters Anonymous to get started. We will meet on zoom at 5pm for an hour. We will answer your questions about OA. With the brochure as a guide, we will read, discuss and write about various topics forming a good foundation for your programme in OA.
This "First 12 days" was how my sponsor introduced me to the programme 3 years ago, and It was invaluable. As much as I wondered if I could do all 12 days, I committed to do it one day at a time. I was grateful that a little willingness to try the OA solution, starting with those 12 days, has transformed my eating. I hope you will give it a go. If you are struggling with food and have tried countless ways to control your weight to no avail, then perhaps OA will work for you too!
All newcomers and temporary sponsors are welcome to attend. Announce at meetings or forward this email.
Call text Ann 021 2244552 or Lois 028 411 0355 to save a place for you in the workshop ( include your email address)
Workshop is a closed group after day 2
Download the free PDF version of the brochure from the website:
have a notebook, pen, and a copy of the brochure for the first meeting
Jan 15, 2023 05:00pm to Jan 26, 2023, 12 occurrence(s)
Zoom Link: Meeting ID 817 1821 9432 passcode 216 164
Please RSVP soon! Call or email us if you have any questions.
Yours in Service,
Ann W. and Lois S-D.
Kerikeri Wed Lunch OA Members