Hello and Welcome to Auckland OA (Overeaters Anonymous).
We are a community of individuals who, through shared experience, strength and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating.
Have you tried over and over again to control your eating and weight, but nothing has worked? Compulsive overeating, under-eating, food obsession, anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, or over exercising … no matter your challenge with food or body image, you are welcome here.
Let’s dive in and learn a little more about OA.
Getting to know you … getting to know all about OA
We are for anyone struggling with food or trying to determine if they have food issues.
We believe compulsive eating is a disease like alcoholism is a disease.
Our life-changing approach is physical, emotional, and spiritual, and based on the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
Answer the 15 Questions on page 4 of the pamphlet by clicking on the link below.
If you decide you'd like to join us at a local Auckland Overeaters Anonymous meeting, click on the meeting link below. There are no financial obligations of any kind. The only requirement for OA membership is
a desire to stop eating compulsively.

"Often, the idea of never again eating certain foods seems terrifying and impossible. Be assured that with adequate support and the Twelve Step recovery program, you can do the things that used to seem totally impossible. We have learned that as we work the Twelve Steps abstinently, a miracle occurs; our sanity returns. We no longer want to have those foods or behaviors in our lives."
Where do I start ? - OA Board-Approved © 2018 Overeaters Anonymous, Inc.